I'm using Angular + NestJS as a combination here and I'm trying to fetch some data from public API. The case is that I can see the returned data from NestJS console but Angular-side returns empty JSON. The problem is that the frontend side won't wait for Http request to be finished and instead triggers console.log too early. I know that I need to wait for the response but how can I do so?
async listAnalyses() {
await this.reportingService.listAnalyses().then(
(data: any) => {
console.log(data); // this is triggered too soon
(err: any) => {
listAnalyses() {
return this.http.get(`${environment.api}/list-analyses`);
async listAnalyses() {
let analyses;
// params given here but hidden from the code (includes account data)
await this.publicApi.listAnalyses(params, (err: any, data: any) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(analyses); // this logs real data in NestJS console, that's what I want in frontend side too
return {
analyses: analyses
How do I proceed from here?
You need to convert a callback syntax into a Promise syntax (or Observable one).
async listAnalyses() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => this.publicApi.listAnalyses(
params, (err: any, data: any) => {
if (err) return rej(err);
else return res(data);