I am getting trouble using agg
function and renaming results properly. So far I have made the table of the following format.
sheet | equipment | chamber | time | value1 | value2 |
a | E1 | C1 | 1 | 11 | 21 |
a | E1 | C1 | 2 | 12 | 22 |
a | E1 | C1 | 3 | 13 | 23 |
b | E1 | C1 | 1 | 14 | 24 |
b | E1 | C1 | 2 | 15 | 25 |
b | E1 | C1 | 3 | 16 | 26 |
I would like to create a statistical table like this:
sheet | E1_C1_value1_mean | E1_C1_value1_min | E1_C1_value1_max | E1_C1_value2_mean | E1_C1_value2_min | E1_C1_value2_max |
a | 12 | 11 | 13 | 22 | 21 | 23 |
b | 15 | 14 | 16 | 25 | 24 | 26 |
Which I would like to groupBy
"sheet", "equipment", "chamber" to aggregate mean, min, max values.
I also need to rename column by the rule: equip + chamber + aggregation function.
There are multiple "equipment" names and "chamber" names.
As pivot
in spark only accept single column, therefore you have to concat the column which you want to pivot:
df = spark.createDataFrame(
('a', 'E1', 'C1', 1, 11, 21),
('a', 'E1', 'C1', 2, 12, 22),
('a', 'E1', 'C1', 3, 13, 23),
('b', 'E1', 'C1', 1, 14, 24),
('b', 'E1', 'C1', 2, 15, 25),
('b', 'E1', 'C1', 3, 16, 26),
schema=['sheet', 'equipment', 'chamber', 'time', 'value1', 'value2']
df.show(10, False)
|a |E1 |C1 |1 |11 |21 |
|a |E1 |C1 |2 |12 |22 |
|a |E1 |C1 |3 |13 |23 |
|b |E1 |C1 |1 |14 |24 |
|b |E1 |C1 |2 |15 |25 |
|b |E1 |C1 |3 |16 |26 |
Assume there are lots of columns that you want to do the aggregation, you can use a loop to create and prevent the bulky coding:
aggregation = []
for col in df.columns[-2:]:
aggregation += [func.min(col).alias(f"{col}_min"), func.max(col).alias(f"{col}_max"), func.avg(col).alias(f"{col}_mean")]
df.withColumn('new_col', func.concat_ws('_', func.col('equipment'), func.col('chamber')))\
.show(100, False)
|a |11 |13 |12.0 |21 |23 |22.0 |
|b |14 |16 |15.0 |24 |26 |25.0 |