Search code examples

Can we pass nullable Argument in room query

Here is my query

I am trying to search property by given params if the given param is null then it should take all properties and don't filter

@Query("""SELECT * FROM Property 
    (listedFor = :lookingTo OR :lookingTo IS NULL) AND
    (propertyType IN (:propertyType) OR :propertyType IS NULL) AND
    (areaId IN(:areasOfProperties) OR :areasOfProperties IS NULL) AND
    cityId = :cityId
    ORDER BY registrationDate DESC""")
fun getPropertyListBySearchQuery(
    lookingTo: String?,
    propertyType: ArrayList<String>?,
    areasOfProperties: ArrayList<String>?,
    cityId: String,
) : LiveData<List<Property>>

This is giving me crash as below

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception while computing database live data.
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
     Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near ",": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM Property 
            (listedFor = ? OR ? IS NULL) AND
            (propertyType IN (?,?) OR ?,? IS NULL) AND
            (areaId IN() OR  IS NULL) AND
            cityId = ?
            ORDER BY registrationDate DESC
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativePrepareStatement(Native Method)
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.acquirePreparedStatement(
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.prepare(
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.prepare(
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteProgram.<init>(
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQuery.<init>(
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDirectCursorDriver.query(
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.rawQueryWithFactory(
        at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.rawQueryWithFactory(
        at androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteDatabase.query(


  • Can we pass nullable Argument in room query?

    Yes but it's a little convoluted.

    Brief Explanation

    The issue that you have shown is not an issue with whether or not one of the args is NULL (in which case I believe you would encounter an NPE (null pointer exception)) but that you are trying to check a list (CSV) as if it were a single value and thus the comma results in the syntax error.

    A way around this would be to build the SQL and use an @RawQuery. the SQL being built in a function with a body. The following is a working demonstration:-

    First the @Dao annotated interface :-

    interface PropertyDao {
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        fun insert(property: Property)
        fun rawQueryPropertyList(rawQuery: SimpleSQLiteQuery): List<Property>
        fun getPropertiesBySearchCriteria(
            lookingTo: String?,
            propertyType: ArrayList<String>?,
            areasOfProperties: ArrayList<String>?,
            cityId: String
        ): List<Property> {
            var afterFirstInList: Boolean = false
            var whereAdded = false
            val baseSQL = "SELECT * FROM Property"
            val qry: StringBuilder = java.lang.StringBuilder().append(baseSQL)
            /* Looking To */
            if (lookingTo != null && lookingTo.length > 0) {
                if (!whereAdded) {
                    qry.append(" WHERE ")
                    whereAdded = true
                if (qry.length > baseSQL.length)  qry.append(" AND ")
                qry.append(" listedFor='${lookingTo}'")
            /* Property Type */
            if (propertyType!= null && propertyType.size > 0) {
                afterFirstInList = false
                if (qry.length > baseSQL.length) qry.append(" AND ")
                if (!whereAdded) {
                    qry.append(" WHERE ")
                    whereAdded = true
                qry.append(" propertyType IN (")
                for (s in propertyType) {
                    if (afterFirstInList) qry.append(",")
                    afterFirstInList = true
            if (areasOfProperties!=null && areasOfProperties?.size!! > 0) {
                afterFirstInList = false
                if (qry.length > baseSQL.length) qry.append(" AND ")
                if (!whereAdded) {
                    qry.append(" WHERE ")
                    whereAdded = true
                qry.append(" areaId IN (")
                for (s in areasOfProperties) {
                    if (afterFirstInList) qry.append(",")
                    afterFirstInList = true
            if (qry.length > baseSQL.length) qry.append(" AND ")
            if (!whereAdded) {
                qry.append(" WHERE ")
                whereAdded = true
            qry.append(" cityId='${cityId}' ")
            qry.append(" ORDER BY registrationDate DESC")
            Log.d("PRPRTYINFO_SQL",qry.toString()) /* ONLY FOR TESTING */
            return rawQueryPropertyList(SimpleSQLiteQuery(qry.toString()))

    The '@Entity' annotated Property data class used to test (obviously probably not what you have, but built according to what is available from the question). differences would probably not matter that much if at all:

    data class Property(
        var propertyId: Long?=null,
        var propertyType: String,
        var areaId: Long,
        var cityId: Long,
        var listedFor: Long,
        var registrationDate: Long

    A pretty standard @Database annotated class was used. Note that for brevity and convenience .allowMainThreadQueries was used.

    Finally the activity code used to perform the limited testing:-

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        lateinit var db: PropertyDatabase
        lateinit var dao: PropertyDao
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            db = PropertyDatabase.getInstance(this)
            dao = db.getPropertyDao()
            dao.insert(Property(null,"House",100,1090,100,System.currentTimeMillis() ))
            logProperties(dao.getPropertiesBySearchCriteria("", arrayListOf(""), arrayListOf(""),"1090"),"T1")
                    lookingTo = "",
                    propertyType =  arrayListOf("House","Flat","Villa","Apartment","Castle"),
                    areasOfProperties =  arrayListOf("1","2","100","200","300","1000000000"),
                    cityId = "1090"
            logProperties(dao.getPropertiesBySearchCriteria(null, null, null,"1090"),"T3")
        fun logProperties(plist: List<Property>, tagSuffix: String ) {
            val TAG = "PRPRTYINFO_${tagSuffix}"
            for (p in plist) {
                Log.d(TAG,"Type=${p.propertyType} AreaId=${p.areaId} CityId=${p.cityId} ListedFor=${p.listedFor} RDate=${Date(p.registrationDate)}")

    When run for a fresh install (only deigned to run the once) then the Log includes:-

    2022-09-26 12:35:46.722 D/PRPRTYINFO_SQL: SELECT * FROM Property WHERE  propertyType IN ('') AND  areaId IN ('') AND  cityId='1090'  ORDER BY registrationDate DESC
    2022-09-26 12:35:46.728 D/PRPRTYINFO_SQL: SELECT * FROM Property WHERE  propertyType IN ('House','Flat','Villa','Apartment','Castle') AND  areaId IN ('1','2','100','200','300','1000000000') AND  cityId='1090'  ORDER BY registrationDate DESC
    2022-09-26 12:35:46.741 D/PRPRTYINFO_T2: Type=House AreaId=100 CityId=1090 ListedFor=100 RDate=Mon Sep 26 12:35:46 GMT+10:00 2022
    2022-09-26 12:35:46.741 D/PRPRTYINFO_SQL: SELECT * FROM Property WHERE  cityId='1090'  ORDER BY registrationDate DESC
    2022-09-26 12:35:46.742 D/PRPRTYINFO_T3: Type=House AreaId=100 CityId=1090 ListedFor=100 RDate=Mon Sep 26 12:35:46 GMT+10:00 2022
    • each of the 3 invocations write the generated SQL to the log.
    • The first invocation selects nothing as none have empty strings in the propertyType and areaId (so don't use empty strings UNLESS you expect empty strings)
    • The second, due to the cityId being required gets just the one property (otherwise it would get all 3 properties)
    • Likewise the 3rd will get all properties (nulls for the nullables) but for the cityId being required.

    An alternative that wouldn't require building the SQL at run time and using a rawquery (unchecked at compile time, although as per your example the compile time check isn't 100% anyway), would be to utilise CTE (Common Table expressions (temporary tables within the query)). However this could well be more complex than building the SQL due to having to manage the lists as well as the lack of the lists.