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Annoying Sound with GitHub Copilot When making in-line suggetions in Visual Studio Code

Problem Statement

For the last couple of days, I have been noticing that GitHub Copilot has been making a sound each time it makes a code snippet suggestion. At first, I thought there was something wrong with my computer and was worried that maybe one of the keys on the keyboard had jammed. It took me two days to figure it out that the sound was actually coming from GitHub Copilot.

The other problem is that I had checked the extension's settings and found nothing to do with disabling the sound that it has been producing, and there was no update for the plugin to any later version.


How do I make this sound go away, because it has been actually annoying me each and every time a code suggestion has been made?


  • I suggested you disable the fairly new setting

    Audio Cues: Line has Inline Suggestion

    As of vscode 1.87 this will be:

    Accesibility > Signals: Line has Inline Suggestion

    If that hadn't worked there is a setting that would effectively disable all audio cues:

    Audio Cues: Volume   // set to 0

    and as of vscode v1.87:

    Accesibilty > Signals > Sounds: Volume