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Limit emotion global styles to a narrower selector

Is there a way to limit the styles that emotion injects into the global scope to a narrower scope?

I've seen this method of using a stylis plugin to add more narrowly-scoped styles, but that only adds scoped styles. What I'd like to do is limit all styles added by emotion to a particular selector.

The SCSS equivalent of what I'm looking for is something like this, where the styles would only apply to elements where div#my-styled-div is an ancestor:

div#my-styled-div {
  h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    // emotion header styles

  button {
    // emotion button styles

My use case is a Docusaurus site with a demo page that uses Chakra UI (specifically the Chakra UI demo page for react-querybuilder) and I don't want the emotion global styles to affect the Docusaurus theme styles.

(This question is similar, but it was never answered and I don't think it's exactly the same issue anyway.)


  • Emotion supports SCSS-like nesting, so you can define styles which only apply inside of a specific element like this:

    import { css } from "@emotion/react";
    const myCss = css`
      h6 {
        color: red;
      button {
        /* ... */
    export default function App() {
      return (
          <h2>Emotion styles don't apply to this h2</h2>
          <div css={myCss}>
            <h2>Emotion styles apply to this h2</h2>
            {/* Put the stuff you want to style with Emotion here */}
