We can send a message to an existing process via the shell as below. I register a process by its Username here (ex: alice) code:
start_link(Username) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, Username}, ?MODULE, [Username], []).
init([Username]) ->
io:format("~p connected...",[Username]),
{ok, #chat_server_state{
username = Username
Process started as below:
alice connected...{ok,<0.143.0>}
I sent message hello to process alice and result as below:
alice ! hello. %%sent 'hello' atom to 'alice' process
hello %% result
My problem is if I started two nodes with same coockie and connected both nodes with net_kernel, still why I cant send a message from one node to other node using the registered process name (instead of pid) as above procedure.
my code: here I register the process with the node name.
start_link(Username) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, node()}, ?MODULE, [Username], []).
init([Username]) ->
io:format("~p connected...",[Username]),
{ok, #chat_server_state{
username = Username
I started alice process on alice@... node.
(alice@DESKTOP-RD414DV)79> chat_client:start_link(alice).
alice connected...{ok,<0.280.0>}
This is where this alice process is registered with its node name
** Registered procs on node 'alice@DESKTOP-RD414DV' **
Name Pid Initial Call Reds Msgs
'alice@DESKTOP-RD414D <0.250.0> chat_client:init/1 54 0
Why can't I send a message from this alice@..... node to another node (ex: bob@DESKTOP-RD414D by 'bob@DESKTOP-RD414D' ! hello. )
(alice@DESKTOP-RD414DV)71> whereis('alice@DESKTOP-RD414DV').
I get this error:
(alice@DESKTOP-RD414DV)50> 'bob@DESKTOP-RD414DV' ! heelo.
** exception error: bad argument
in operator !/2
called as 'bob@DESKTOP-RD414DV' ! heelo
To send a message to a registered process in any node, you can use the {Name :: atom(), Node :: node()} ! Message :: term()
1> register(shell, self()).
2> shell ! test.
3> flush().
Shell got test
4> {shell, node()} ! test.
5> flush().
Shell got test