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Missing members in custom progressbar

I am new in this field and I find myself in difficulty, I have already looked for two days on the internet and I have not found anything or at least that is understandable within my reach. I downloaded a file for a new ProgressBar in 3d, but I no longer have the option of [Step] and [PerformStep], how can I add these two properties? Please help me, I've been running after it for days....

I downloaded a file from this post at the bottom of the page the link for RmCustProgressBar but I have problems. Here The file for download is file txt

Public Sub righeNere()
    Dim row_count As Integer = DataGridView1.Rows.Count
    RmCustProgressBar1.MaxValue = row_count
    RmCustProgressBar1.Step = 1
    Dim currencyManager1 As CurrencyManager = CType(DataGridView1.BindingContext(DataGridView1.DataSource), CurrencyManager)
    For Each rw As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
        If rw.Cells(2).Style.BackColor = Color.Gold Or rw.Cells(3).Style.BackColor = Color.Gold Or rw.Cells(4).Style.BackColor = Color.Gold Or rw.Cells(5).Style.BackColor = Color.Gold Or rw.Cells(6).Style.BackColor = Color.Gold Or rw.Cells(7).Style.BackColor = Color.Gold Then
            rw.Visible = True
            Continue For
        ElseIf rw.Cells(2).Style.BackColor = Color.White Or rw.Cells(3).Style.BackColor = Color.White Or rw.Cells(4).Style.BackColor = Color.White Or rw.Cells(5).Style.BackColor = Color.White Or rw.Cells(6).Style.BackColor = Color.White Or rw.Cells(7).Style.BackColor = Color.White Then
            rw.Visible = False
        End If
End Subd


  • I assume that Step is a step size and that PerformStep simply adds this step to the Value property. Then you can add this functionality like this in the progress bar class:

    Public Property [Step] As Integer
    Public Sub PerformStep()
        Value = Math.Min(MaxValue, Value + [Step])
        'To refresh the progress bar immediately (optional)
    End Sub

    Setting the Value property invalidates the control, i.e. the new progress bar position will be displayed automatically, but maybe with some delay. If you want to refresh it immediately, you can force a redraw by calling Refresh(). See: Control.Refresh Method

    Note that Step is a reserved word in VB, therefore we must put it in angle brackets. Instead, we could also call it StepSize.