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Passing a function that takes **kwargs into

I've just begun learning concurrent programming in Python.

I created a function which takes one positional argument and then **kwargs.


def download_from_api(api_client_method, **kwargs):
        response = api_client_method(**kwargs)
        return response
    except api.exceptions.APIException as e:
        print(f'{kwargs}: {api_client_method.__name__} - {e})

I'd like to pass this function to concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor().map() object.

Below is the code i used for trying, passing everything as positional args, but it didnt work:

these_should_be_passed_as_keyword_args = ['A', 'B']
n = len(these_should_be_passed_as_keyword_args)
functions = [api_client.relevant_method] * n

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    results =, functions, these_should_be_passed_as_keyword_args)

Any help is really appreciated.

Thank you!


  • There are some good examples here: Pass multiple parameters to

    Alternatively, I prefer using .submit() Here are the docs, and here is a tutorial

    As I cant execute your download_from_api function, here is a basic example with a function that just prints random generated kwargs:

    import string
    import random
    import concurrent.futures as cf
    def your_function(argument, **kwargs):
        print(argument, kwargs)
    random_kwargs = [{
        ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(4)):
            ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(4))
    } for _ in range(10)]
    with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        futures = [executor.submit(your_function, argument, **kwargs) 
                   for argument, kwargs in enumerate(random_kwargs)]