From my understanding of UUID v7 they are binary sortable which in some way improves indexability. My database is currently storing v4 UUIDs in an indexed column, if I start storing new rows with UUID v7 will I still gain the indexing benefits even if the column has other non sortable rows? What is the best data type to use for this row, currently it is a char(36)
By converting to BINARY(16)
, it becomes smaller and readily indexed.
V7 is naturally ordered chronologically. V1's bits can be shuffled See 8.0's functions, 10.7's datatype and UUIDs .
None of the other versions have the "chronological" characteristic.
Since the only way to lookup UUIDs is one row at a time, your comments about 'indexability' don't make sense. Perhaps you were referring to "locality of reference" wherein all the "recent" rews will be "next" to each other.