I've noticed the strange behaviour of Shopware with actual (last) payment method order which user chose and made payment using this method. So maybe someone can explain to me how is it working because now I have a lot of bugs and bottlenecks with my integration plugins (ERP, affiliates services). So let's start (our goal receive last=actual payment method which a customer chose in last time):
. There are order with id 0d624ffae665466db51f12eba0c1bc53
. Can I get information about last and actual payment method from here? I guess no because I didn't find it. Ok we go to the next step.order_transaction
. Hooray! Here I find all payment methods which the customer used when he/she try to pay the order. Ok what we have hereid order_id | created_at | updated_at
83042D493DC04A4290BE8D7F523DE32F 0D624FFAE665466DB51F12EBA0C1BC53 | 2022-08-25 09:04:38.474 | 2022-09-24 11:11:19.664
911DF5D15BC542E598C2F11AECDAFD61 0D624FFAE665466DB51F12EBA0C1BC53 | 2022-08-25 09:06:27.775 | NULL
Ok! According to my logic last created payment method in the table is method which user choose last aka actual. So here we are we find actual(last) payment method which user chose and made transaction with this order and it's 911DF5D15BC542E598C2F11AECDAFD61
(because it was created on 2 minutes later than 83042D493DC04A4290BE8D7F523DE32F
Now my ERP system or I want to change payment status because it was postpaid. The client paid it and now we ready to change status from Open to Paid. Ok I've done it and let's see what happened it Database. Our journey move to new table which has name state_machine_history
. Ok let's try to find our order using LAST transaction id 911DF5D15BC542E598C2F11AECDAFD61
and here we are.
Unfortunately we did find nothing. Ok, cheer up! Let's try use another payment method 83042D493DC04A4290BE8D7F523DE32F
And yes we find 7 rows (see screenshots)
So what we have payment status was changed on wrong payment method but should be changed on the last method! Now I have a lot problem because my plugin can't get right payment status for oder. Maybe I don't understand how it should works? it would be nice if someone explain me this point. My goal: my plugin should get right payment status and right payment method. Now I receive wrong status when use smth like that what was mentioned here
new EqualsFilter(
->addSorting(new FieldSorting('createdAt'));
$order = $this->orderRepository->search($criteria, $context)->first();
UPDATE: I've changed payment status manually via admin panel (http://url.com/admin)
Problem was connected with ERP integration (Xentral shop module) which pick up an order with wrong payment method and then changing payment status in the wrong payment method.
Thanks @dneustad. You and your comment help me fix it (only fix consequences in Shopware). What was done:
// module/sw-order/view/sw-order-detail-details/index.js
transaction() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.order.transactions.length; i += 1) {
if (!['cancelled', 'failed'].includes(this.order.transactions[i].stateMachineState.technicalName)) {
return this.order.transactions[i];
return this.order.transactions.last();