I am trying to call a function from my smart contract using web3 and react. Here is my code.
const project=new web3.eth.Contract(Mycontractabi.abi,networkData.address);
const retailer=await project.getretailer.call();
address public retailer
function getretailer() public view returns (address)
return retailer;
Kindly point out what is wrong as I am not able to get retailer address as desired by the code
I found that to access a variable from a smart contract using web3.js there is simple method:
So in my case, the modified code will be :
const project=new web3.eth.Contract(Mycontractabi.abi,networkData.address);
const retailer=await project.methods.retailer.call().call();
There is no need to call any function just to access a single variable. We can access any variable directly by using above method.