I have some data with a long tail, which has been truncated for a histogram. I would like to add a simple "+" sign to the final value of the x-axis on the histogram. Below is an example showing the setup.
sysuse auto
gen price_graph = price
replace price_graph =10000 if price_graph>10000
hist price_graph, start(0) width(1000)
Below is the result of the above code, with the "+" sign drawn in and highlighted where I would like to put it:
I could also see scenarios when data would be truncated from the left as well, so a robust solution would be easily applicable to both scenarios.
hist price_graph, start(0) width(1000) xla(0(2000)8000 10000 "10000+")
You spell out that you want specific text as a specific axis label. You then (optionally) indicate what other labels you want.