I want to get repetitive titles to have name, name and not be repeated in another Colum.
create or replace view Master_view as
select books.title, books.isbn as book_id, authors.name, authors.e_mail as author_id
from book_author join books on book_author.book_id = books.id
join authors on book_author.author_id = authors.id;
title | book_id | name | author_id
The Pragmatic Programmer | 999999 | Andrew Hunt | andyhunt@pragprogrammers.com
The Pragmatic Programmer | 999999 | Dave Thomas | davethomas@pragprogrammers.com
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning | 999998 | Andrew Hunt | andyhunt@pragprogrammers.com
Pragmatic Unit Testing | 999997 | Andrew Hunt | andyhunt@pragprogrammers.com
Pragmatic Unit Testing | 999997 | Dave Thomas | davethomas@pragprogrammers.com
Agile Web Development with Rails | 999996 | Dave Thomas | davethomas@pragprogrammers.com
Agile Web Development with Rails | 999996 | Sam Ruby | samruby@pragprogrammers.com
Agile Web Development with Rails | 999996 | David Heinemeier Hansson | dhh@railsrules.co
(8 rows)
create or replace view Master_view as
select books.title, books.isbn as book_id, array_agg(authors.name), array_agg(authors.e_mail) as author_id
from book_author join books on book_author.book_id = books.id
join authors on book_author.author_id = authors.id group by (books.title, books.isbn);
This will give you the expected results.You have to group the rows using isbn and title of the book.