I am trying following simple code where a HashTable is created in main and sent to another function. There a list of all keys is to be created and printed:
public static void hashtable2list(HashTable sht){
List lst = new List<string>();
sht.foreach( (key, value) => { lst.append(key); } );
lst.foreach((entry) => {print("%s\n", (string)entry);});
public static void main(){
HashTable <string, int> ht = new HashTable <string, int> (direct_hash, direct_equal);
ht.insert("one", 1);
ht.insert("two", 2);
ht.insert("three", 3);
However, when I try to compile above, I get following error which occurs where items are to be appended to the list:
$ valac mySegFaultAnother.vala
rnSegFaultAnother.vala:5.33-5.35: error: missing generic type arguments
sht.foreach( (key, value) => { lst.append(key); } );
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Where is the problem and how can this be solved?
Because you've created HashTable<string, int> , but hashtable2list accepts only HashTable - ie it doesn't know which specialization types HashTable has therefore it can't correctly compile.