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Adjust translation speed of QML DragHandler

my question is about using a QML DragHandler to move a QML Item. I have successfully implemented position through dragging (when holding the Ctrl modifier) like so:

DragHandler {
    dragThreshold: 0
    acceptedModifiers: Qt.ControlModifier

Now I would like to add another handler that allows me to precisely position the element. Other software does this throught the use of the shift modifier. So what I want to do is move the element not by the pixel amount that the mouse moves, but an amount smaller than that. Ideally I would want to do something like this:

DragHandler {
    dragThreshold: 0
    acceptedModifiers: Qt.ShiftModifier

    onActiveTranslationChanged: {
        activeTranslation *= 0.5;

Unfortunatelly activeTranslation is read-only and I don't see any other property I could use and I can't think of any other way to do it... Does anybody have an idea?

Thank you very much in advance!


  • Unfortunately Qt doesn't provide any way to change the drag speed AFAIK.

    But this is a way to achieve it:

        id: theDraggableElement
        width: 100
        height: width
        color: "red"
            id: dragHandlerFast
            dragThreshold: 0
            acceptedModifiers: Qt.ControlModifier
            target: theDraggableElement
        id: invisibleItemForSlowDragging
        width: theDraggableElement.width
        height: theDraggableElement.height
        Binding { restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding; when: !; target: invisibleItemForSlowDragging; property: "x"; value: theDraggableElement.x }
        Binding { restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding; when: !; target: invisibleItemForSlowDragging; property: "y"; value: theDraggableElement.y }
            id: dragHandlerSlow
            dragThreshold: 0
            acceptedModifiers: Qt.ShiftModifier
            target: invisibleItemForSlowDragging
                theDraggableElement.x = invisibleItemForSlowDragging.x - dragHandlerSlow.translation.x / 2
                theDraggableElement.y = invisibleItemForSlowDragging.y - dragHandlerSlow.translation.y / 2

    I have tested this with Qt 5.15.2.