I have an input of the following payload for a POST method:
"order": {
"Column_X": "X",
"Column_Y": "Y",
"Column_Z": "Z",
"Column_W" : {
"div_1": "some text",
"div_2": true,
"div_3": 2
"mapper": {
"A": "<order.Column_X>",
"B": "<order.Column_Z>",
"C": "Fields or text not mapped to order",
"C1": "status",
"D": {
"D1": "<order.Column_W.div_1>",
"D2": "<order.Column_W.div_2>",
"D3": "<order.Column_W.div_3>",
"D4": "<order.Column_W.div_4>"
Here is the expected output mapping with the order object above:
"C":"Fields or text not mapped to order",
"D1":"some text",
How would I approach this to solve it?
To make it fully dynamic you need two things.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
fun isPath(value) = (value is String) and (value matches "<.+>")
fun getFromPath(json, pathString) =
pathString splitBy '.'
reduce ((path, valueAtPath = json) -> valueAtPath[path])
fun buildUsingMapper(mapper, mappingValues) =
mapper mapObject ((value, key) -> {
(key): if(isPath(value)) mappingValues getFromPath value[1 to -2] // eliminate the first "<" and the ending ">".
else if(value is Object) buildUsingMapper(value, mappingValues)
else value
buildUsingMapper(payload.mapper, payload - "mapper") // you can also pass the full payload instead of payload - "mapper". I did it here to show that the second parameter does not necessarily need the mapper object within.
I have assumed there are no arrays that will have these dynamic path in mapper
, Or the dynamic paths will include accessing an array element dynamically.