I'm making a minesweeper game using python. I have the game working in a text only form and I'm adding a GUI now.
I have three difficulty options with different dimensions. Is there any way to generate a grid without having to make it manually. This is how I generated a square matrix in text form:
for count in range(side):
count2 = 0
temp1 = []
temp2 = []
for count2 in range(side):
Is there any way to automatically generate a grid like this in pygame? I am also using custom sprites and every cell needs to be clickable. Will I just have to make the grids manually and use them according to the difficulty?
There is no simple solution to draw a grid. You have to loop over each cell as you did in your example. You can find all functions to draw in the pygame wiki.
Example for grid creation:
size = (100, 100)
cell_width = 10
cell_height = 10
grid_surface = pygame.Surface(size) # here you draw
grid = [] # simple list to save your data
for x in range(side):
grid.append([]) # new column for the list
for y in range(side):
# save data to grid
grid[x][y] = "x"
# draw something
# e.g.: this draws a red rectangle in each cell
pygame.draw.rect(grid_surface, (200, 0, 0), (x * cell_width, y * cell_height, cell_width, cell_height)
Potential event loop:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
x, y = (event.pos[0] // cell_width, event.pos[1] // cell_height)
# do something
grid[x][y] = "a"
pygame.draw.rect(grid_surface, (0, 200, 0), (x * cell_width, y * cell_height, cell_width, cell_height)