I am new to android app development. Please help. I want to get navigation fragment arguments in my view model class directly. I am using data-binding.
Here is my nav fragments argument
app:destination="@id/list_fragment" />
app:argType="com.example.school.model.Student" />
When I click on my recycler view item I pass the argument object with navigation action. So I set on click listener in adapters onbind function. I am passing student objects as arguments.
holder.itemLayoutBinding.root.setOnClickListener {
val action = ListOfStudentFragmentDirections.actionListOfStudentFragmentToUpdate(currentStudent)
My View Model is here. I want to know another thing: I am using AndroidViewModel here for database context. Is there any other way to avoid AndroidViewModel? I want to use ViewModel but the view model does not provide context.
class MainModleView(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
val getAllStudentData: LiveData<List<Student>>
val repository: Repository
val inputName = MutableLiveData<String>()
val inputAge = MutableLiveData<String>()
init {
val studentDao: StudentDao = StudentDatabase.getAllData(application).studentDao()
repository = Repository(studentDao)
getAllStudentData = repository.getAllData
So in View-Model's live data, I want to set the inputName and inputAge value from fragments arguments. Here is a sample of what I want.
inputName.value = fragmentsarugments.name //arguments pass a model object from recyclerview on click function
inputAge.value = fragmentsarugments.age
Please give me a solution. I only want to get fragment's argument in my ViewModel.
I think it's very easy. Only one line code and do your job.
class YourModleView(
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel()
Here savedstatehandle will provide your navigation fragment arguments. Your argument type is Studnet class.
val myObject:Student = savedStateHandle["argument name in navigation"]
Now from your fragment action pass the arguments object. You will get every passing argument object with savedstatehandle.
You will get your passing object.