I have a Web API which returns following data:
"code": "Invalid",
"message": "The following fields are invalid",
"details": [
"property": "User",
"messages": [
"FirstName is required",
"LastName is required",
"property": "User.Gender",
"messages": [
"Incorrect or Invalid"
"property": "MarialStatus",
"messages": [
"Cannot be validated"
"property": "EmployeeId",
"messages": [
"User's employeeId is required"
This is my model object:
public class WebApiResponse
public string code { get; set; }
public string message { get; set; }
public List<Details> details { get; set; }
public class Details
public string property{ get; set; }
public List<string> messages { get; set; }
I want to display the "messages" only for the selected "property" into a single string separated by a new line, so I can add the string to a DataTable row.
For eg: I tried this to get the list of "messages"
var data = WebApiResponse.details.Where(x => x.property == "User" || x.property == "EmployeeId").Select(x => x.messages);
How do I convert this list so I can get the "messages" in a single string separated by new line:
FirstName is required
LastName is required
User's employeeId is required
Use SelectMany instead of Select
to flatten the nested list, then String.Join to join the strings :
var targets = new[]{"User", "EmployeeId"];
var messages = WebApiResponse.details
.Where(x => targets.Contains(x.property))
.SelectMany(x => x.messages);
var line = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages);