I have a dropdown component from Fluent UI. There is a default style for selected item. I can change this style, but I couldn't change color and backgroundColor of selected item when I hover on it. Is it possible to give a custom style when I hover on selected item?
Here is a sample.
import * as React from "react";
import { IStackTokens, Stack } from "@fluentui/react/lib/Stack";
import {
} from "@fluentui/react/lib/Dropdown";
const dropdownStyles: Partial<IDropdownStyles> = {
dropdown: { width: 300 },
dropdownItemSelected: {
selectors: {
"&:before": {
content: '""',
position: "absolute",
left: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
width: "4px",
background: "rgb(0, 120, 212)"
"&:hover:focus": {
backgroundColor: "blue",
color: "white"
const options: IDropdownOption[] = [
key: "fruitsHeader",
text: "Fruits",
itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Header
{ key: "apple", text: "Apple" },
{ key: "banana", text: "Banana" },
{ key: "orange", text: "Orange", disabled: true },
{ key: "grape", text: "Grape" },
{ key: "divider_1", text: "-", itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Divider },
key: "vegetablesHeader",
text: "Vegetables",
itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Header
{ key: "broccoli", text: "Broccoli" },
{ key: "carrot", text: "Carrot" },
{ key: "lettuce", text: "Lettuce" }
const stackTokens: IStackTokens = { childrenGap: 20 };
export const DropdownSelectStyleExample: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
return (
<Stack tokens={stackTokens}>
placeholder="Select an option"
label="Favorite Fruit"