I am trying to rename my files incrementally with a counter starting at 1, which process them in a way depending on their prefix and same file extension. The directory has the following files examples:
BS - foo.fxp
BS - bar.fxp
BS - baz.fxp
PD - qux.fxp
PD - quux.fxp
PD - corge.fxp
LD - grault.fxp
LD - garply.fxp
LD - waldo.fxp
PL - fred.fxp
PL - plugh.fxp
PL - xyzzy.fxp
DS - thud.fxp
I am trying to rename all batches with the same prefix with an incremental counter.
I had the idea first of storing all prefixes (with os.split
into a list or a collection) then using this list to scroll through the files in the directory.
I can't figure out how to reset the counter when the prefix changes.
A resulting example would be:
BS - 1.fxp
BS - 2.fxp
BS - 3.fxp
PD - 1.fxp
PD - 2.fxp
PD - 3.fxp
PD - 4.fxp
Here's the original code but incrementing through all files and not per batch of prefix.
import os, glob
path ='foo/bar/fox'
def prefix(f):
if f.endswith('.fxp'):
return(f.split(' -')[0])
count = 0
for f in sorted(os.listdir(path), key = prefix):
if prefix(f) == f.split(' -')[0]:
count =+ 1
new_name = prefix(f) + '_' + str(count)+ '.fxp'
os.rename(f, new_name)
Any help is appreciated.
I wrote this code for the same purpose back but you can modify it and re-use...
import os
# Function to rename multiple files
def main():
i = 0
path="path to files"
for filename in os.listdir(path):
t = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))
my_dest = t[0] + str(i) + t[0]
my_source =path + filename
my_dest =path + my_dest
# rename() function will
# rename all the files
os.rename(my_source, my_dest)
i += 1
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Calling main() function