I have a bottomsheet with a bunch of checkboxes that toggle different options in a filter that returns a list. I have declared a function applyFilters() in its own file which
I used to call this function in a setstate in the build method. But i am introducing Provider so i can get rid of all the prop drilling.
Everything works. Except provider doesn't see that it needs to rebuild the ListView that displays all the items.
Could it be because the applyfilters() method is only called inside the extende ChangeNotifier and provider can only see the effects it has on the UI if its declared inside it?
Here is a picture of the bottom-sheet and the list on the main page that i wish to rebuild.
And here is a simplified view of my extended ChangeNotifier:
class PreferenceCheckboxDataHandler extends ChangeNotifier {
void updateOption1ValueAndState () {
And here is the relevant parts of code in the main.dart
As i have watched too many hours of tutorials on Provider without increasing my understanding. (decided to stick with Provider) I hope to gain insight if this may be the simple reason for my problem or i need to completely change my approach.e.g Another package.
If your displayedCards does not contain the Provider instance in the UI then it will not update, when you notifyListeners();
but you can make use of Consumer
to update the UI.
body: Consumer<PreferenceCheckboxDataHandler>(
builder: (context, value, _) {
return ListView(children: displayedCards);