ERROR: for app_web
Cannot start service app_web: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545: container init caused: rootfs_linux.go:75: mounting "/host_mnt/Users/akanwar/Documents/c/cbax-config" to rootfs at "/cbax-apply-platform/node_modules/@c/cbax-config" caused: mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/a3bccebb167966c795860d95a5a758f244ae5da780f962333f0d51d2d8b2def7/merged/cbax-apply-platform/node_modules/@c/cbax-config: operation not permitted: unknown
None of the solutions worked for me
You need to remove this from all services:
- ${CBAX_PATH}/cbax-apply-platform:/cbax-apply-platform:rw
You cannot mount a folder and then also sub-folders. This is wrong:
- ${CBAX_PATH}/cbax-apply-platform:/cbax-apply-platform:rw
- ${CBAX_PATH}/cbax-application-pages:/cbax-apply-platform/app/assets/components/cbax-application-pages:rw
Also you mount a lot of host folders in multiple service with read-write access. I think that makes a mess of your files on the host if all services start modifying files. It's better to mount them read-only.