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ory/dockertest not working on GitHub Actions

I can locally create and use a docker container with ory/dockertest.

However when trying to run dockertest with tests on GitHub actions, the docker container automatically gets exited before any tests can be run with the container. (see output of docker ps -a below when sshed into the test server on GitHub)

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                        PORTS                                         NAMES
32b6ec43b96a   clickhouse/clickhouse-server:latest   "/"         13 minutes ago   Exited (232) 13 minutes ago                                                 sweet_hertz
4e750bc3dcf1   clickhouse/clickhouse-server:latest   "/"         17 minutes ago   Exited (232) 17 minutes ago                                                 naughty_buck

this behavior is very confusing to me. Is there something im missing here?


Investigated container logs, this is what was returned, looking for solutions now...

/ create new user 'clickhouse_test' instead 'default'
Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, Not found: https_port (version (official build))


Fixed by using yandex/clickhouse instead of clickhouse/clickhouse


  • Fixed by using yandex/clickhouse instead of clickhouse/clickhouse