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Jitsi: Unable to change default user avatar

I have integrated Jetsi directly in my React app using the API (Without a self-hosted server).
I have been trying to find a way to change the default avatar when the user camera is off.

According to the documentation, I can override this parameter:

gravatar: {
    baseUrl: '',
    disabled: false

baseUrl 🚫 - Base URL for a Gravatar-compatible service. Defaults to Gravatar. disabled - True if Gravatar should be disabled.

I tried overriding it in both configOverwrite and interfaceConfigOverwrite:

            gravatar: {
              disabled: false,
            gravatar: {
              disabled: false,

But, it had no effect.

I don't even understand what they mean by

Gravatar-compatible service

Can't I just use an image url?


  • According to a note at the beginning of the docs, the gravatar.baseUrl option can't be overwritten

    NOTE Options marked with 🚫 are not overwritable through configOverwrite

    You'll need to set it in the config.js file of your jitsi installation.

    And the baseUrl should be a service that works the same as gravatar: receiving a hashed email and returning an image; no other option is supported. You can check how the URL is built here

    You could use an out of the box alternative as or build your own