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GGplot map stretching counties into lakes

I am trying to make a bivariate US map, but the resulting map seems to stretched counties beyond their borders into lakes, particularly the great lakes region. I've tried both fipio::fips_county() and tigris::counties(year = 2020, class = "sf", resolution = "20m") in order to extract the shapefile/coordinates, both of which output the map like the one displayed. Is there a way to fix this?

Thank you

enter image description here

Example code, not of photo displayed:


all_counties <- tigris::counties(year = 2020, class = "sf", resolution = "20m")

all_counties <- all_counties %>%
  # mutate(geometry = fips_geometry(GEOID)) %>%
  filter(!grepl("^(02|15)", GEOID))

all_counties <- bi_class(all_counties, x = ALAND, y = AWATER, style = "quantile", dim = 3) 

# create map
map <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = all_counties, mapping = aes(fill = bi_class, geometry=geometry), color = "white", size = 1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  bi_scale_fill(pal = "GrPink", dim = 3) +

legend <- bi_legend(pal = "GrPink",
                    dim = 3,
                    xlab = "More Land ",
                    ylab = "More Water ",
                    size = 7)
finalPlot <- ggdraw() +
  draw_plot(map, 0, 0, 1, 1) +
  draw_plot(legend, 0.05, .2, 0.2, 0.2)



  • The area beneath the water is still part of the country, so they are there, rightfully so. There are a couple of ways of solving this. Take a look at the following:


    Removing the Great Lakes from US county-level maps in R

    But the way I would go about it is to place another layer on top of first one with the geometries of the lakes. As I did here:

    How to make the Great Lakes the same color as the ocean in R?

    Using your exemple I would add:

    # same projection as the lakes
    all_counties2 <- sf::st_as_sf(all_counties, crs = 4269)
    # download lakes geometries
    lakes <- rnaturalearth::ne_download(scale = 110, 
                         type = 'lakes', 
                         category = 'physical') %>% 
          sf::st_as_sf(lakes110, crs = 4269)
    # create map
    map <- ggplot() +
      geom_sf(data = all_counties2,
              mapping = aes(fill = bi_class, 
                            geometry = geometry), 
              color = "white",
              size = 0.1, 
              show.legend = FALSE) +
      geom_sf(data = lakes,
              mapping = aes(geometry = geometry),
            color = "white",
            fill = "white")  +
      coord_sf(ylim = c(23, 49),
               xlim = c(-123, -69),
               expand = TRUE) +  
      bi_scale_fill(pal = "GrPink",
                    dim = 3) +
    legend <- bi_legend(pal = "GrPink",
                        dim = 3,
                        xlab = "More Land ",
                        ylab = "More Water ",
                        size = 7)
    finalPlot <- ggdraw() +
      draw_plot(map, 0, 0, 1, 1) +
      draw_plot(legend, 0.05, .2, 0.2, 0.2)

    enter image description here