I am trying to get my namespace storage <5GB, but I have one project that is using up almost all of the space because it's artifact storage is 4.5GB.
We have pipelines set to run every push to GitLab, but the pipelines are quite simple: install necessary packages and run tests. The only artifacts we explicitly save are log files (usually only a few KB, if anything), and screenshots of failed browser tests (again, a couple of MB at most). We also have artifacts set to expire after 24 hours.
We have a small team, so even on our busiest day, we won't have more than 15 pipelines run, and if each pipeline saves 5MB (way more than reality), it should be 75MB a day -- which should expire down to 0 MB after 24 hours.
I recently unchecked "Keep artifacts from most recent successful jobs" in Settings > Usage Quotas > CI/CD > Artifacts but it had been checked for a year or so (since we started the project).
Other steps I've tried is making API calls to delete all artifacts in the project and I wrote a script to get all job IDs and delete all artifacts for each job ID.
Is it possible that we have GB of old successful job artifacts clogging up our storage? Is it possible to browse & delete artifacts manually?
Edit: this is using Gitlab.com, not self-hosted.
As per sytech's comment above, I wrote a PHP script to get all pipeline IDs and delete any pipelines that are older than 1 week. This removed around 3000 old pipelines, and my storage quota went from from ~5GB to ~150MB. Here's the script in case anyone is interested:
* Keep all pipelines 7 days and newer
$cutoffTime = time() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
$ids = [];
$page = 1;
* Get list of all pipeline IDs and store old IDs in array
do {
$response = `curl --header 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: <API_KEY>' 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/<PROJECT_ID>/pipelines?page=$page&per_page=100' -s`;
$pipelines = json_decode($response);
foreach ($pipelines as $pipeline) {
if (strtotime($pipeline->updated_at) < $cutoffTime) {
$ids[] = $pipeline->id;
} while ($pipelines);
* Delete all pipelines in IDs array
$count = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
echo "Deleting $id ($pipeline->updated_at): ";
$response = `curl --header 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: <API_KEY>' --request 'DELETE' 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/<PROJECT_ID>/pipelines/$id' -s`;
if (!$response) {
echo "Done\n";
} else {
echo json_decode($response)->message . "\n";
* Print results
if ($ids) {
echo "\nDeleted $count pipelines.\n\nDone.\n";
} else {
echo "\nNo pipelines found older than 1 week\n\nDone.\n";