I would like to remove the black space between each frame video. I using the package called video_trimmer: https://pub.dev/packages/video_trimmer
This is my Trim Editor so far:
trimmer: controller.trimmer!,
viewerHeight: 50,
viewerWidth: Get.width,
maxVideoLength: const Duration(seconds: 30),
onChangeStart: (value) {
controller.startValue.value = value;
onChangeEnd: (value) {
controller.endValue.value = value;
onChangePlaybackState: (value) {
controller.isPlaying.value = value;
I found the solution!
trimmer: controller.trimmer!,
fit: BoxFit.fill, // Add this line <===
viewerHeight: 50,
viewerWidth: Get.width,
maxVideoLength: const Duration(seconds: 30),
onChangeStart: (value) {
controller.startValue.value = value;
onChangeEnd: (value) {
controller.endValue.value = value;
onChangePlaybackState: (value) {
controller.isPlaying.value = value;