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What are Google Play Integrity constants AES_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, AES_KEY_TYPE and EC_KEY_TYPE

When decrypting and verifying the Google Play Integrity verdict as per official docs ( the code snippet/samples shared uses these constants: AES_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, AES_KEY_TYPE and EC_KEY_TYPE

But the values of those are never mentioned. Can someone plase help, what are those values?


  • After searching hours on the internet, I came across a youtube video (Obtaining and Decoding the Integrity Verdict | Step 3 of Migrating to Play Integrity API) (obviously not from Google) which gave me the required answer. Here are the values for those constants:

    AES_KEY_SIZE_BYTES: decryptionKeyBytes.length AES_KEY_TYPE: AES EC_KEY_TYPE: EC

    So your final code should look something like this:

    package com.example.sample
    import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
    import org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption;
    import org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature;
    import org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure;
    import org.jose4j.lang.JoseException;
    // base64OfEncodedDecryptionKey is provided through Play Console.
    byte[] decryptionKeyBytes =
        Base64.decode(base64OfEncodedDecryptionKey, Base64.DEFAULT);
    // Deserialized encryption (symmetric) key.
    SecretKey decryptionKey =
        new SecretKeySpec(
            /* offset= */ 0,
    // base64OfEncodedVerificationKey is provided through Play Console.
    byte[] encodedVerificationKey =
        Base64.decode(base64OfEncodedVerificationKey, Base64.DEFAULT);
    // Deserialized verification (public) key.
    PublicKey verificationKey =
            .generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(encodedVerificationKey));

    If you are using maven make sure you added these dependancies:
