I'm a novice coder who needs help.
How am I able to add the input.timeframe()
here? I'm having problems with all the aspects of the request.security()
part with the ma_function()
. I want to be able to lock the ATR Values to the timeframe inputed, instead of changing whenever I change timeframes
Here is all the code I have so far. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you for your time!
atr_ma = input.string(group="ATR - Average True Range", title="Smoothing:", defval="RMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA"])
atr_lenght = input.int(group="ATR - Average True Range", title="Lenght:", defval=14, minval=1)
atr_multiply = input.int(group="ATR - Average True Range", title="Multiplier:", defval=2, minval=1)
color_atrText = color.silver
color_atrLow = color.teal
color_atrHigh = color.red
ma_function(source, atr_lenght) =>
if atr_ma == "RMA"
ta.rma(source, atr_lenght)
if atr_ma == "SMA"
ta.sma(source, atr_lenght)
if atr_ma == "EMA"
ta.ema(source, atr_lenght)
ta.wma(source, atr_lenght)
atrValue = ma_function(ta.tr(true), atr_lenght) * atr_multiply
atrValueHigh = ma_function(ta.tr(true), atr_lenght) * atr_multiply + high
atrValueLow = low - ma_function(ta.tr(true), atr_lenght) * atr_multiply
var table AtrTable = table.new(position.bottom_center, 3, 1, border_width = 3)
f_fillCell(_table, _column, _row, _value, _timeframe) =>
_cellText = _timeframe+ str.tostring(_value, "#.#")
table.cell(_table, _column, _row, _cellText, text_color = color_atrText)
table.cell_set_text_color(AtrTable, 1, 0, color.new(color_atrLow, transp = 0))
table.cell_set_text_color(AtrTable, 2, 0, color.new(color_atrHigh, transp = 0))
if barstate.islast and show_atr == "On"
f_fillCell(AtrTable, 0, 0, atrValue, "ATR: ")
f_fillCell(AtrTable, 1, 0, atrValueLow, "L: " )
f_fillCell(AtrTable, 2, 0, atrValueHigh, "H: ")
If I understood you correctly, this is what you want
indicator("My script")
i_res = input.timeframe('D', "Resolution", options=['D', 'W', 'M'])
atr_ma = input.string(group="ATR - Average True Range", title="Smoothing:", defval="RMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA"])
atr_lenght = input.int(group="ATR - Average True Range", title="Lenght:", defval=14, minval=1)
atr_multiply = input.int(group="ATR - Average True Range", title="Multiplier:", defval=2, minval=1)
color_atrText = color.silver
color_atrLow = color.teal
color_atrHigh = color.red
ma_function(source, atr_lenght) =>
if atr_ma == "RMA"
ta.rma(source, atr_lenght)
if atr_ma == "SMA"
ta.sma(source, atr_lenght)
if atr_ma == "EMA"
ta.ema(source, atr_lenght)
ta.wma(source, atr_lenght)
atrValue = request.security("", i_res, ma_function(ta.tr(true), atr_lenght) * atr_multiply)
atrValueHigh = request.security("", i_res, ma_function(ta.tr(true), atr_lenght) * atr_multiply + high)
atrValueLow = request.security("", i_res, low - ma_function(ta.tr(true), atr_lenght) * atr_multiply)
var table AtrTable = table.new(position.bottom_center, 3, 1, border_width = 3)
f_fillCell(_table, _column, _row, _value, _timeframe) =>
_cellText = _timeframe+ str.tostring(_value, "#.#")
table.cell(_table, _column, _row, _cellText, text_color = color_atrText)
table.cell_set_text_color(AtrTable, 1, 0, color.new(color_atrLow, transp = 0))
table.cell_set_text_color(AtrTable, 2, 0, color.new(color_atrHigh, transp = 0))
if barstate.islast
f_fillCell(AtrTable, 0, 0, atrValue, "ATR: ")
f_fillCell(AtrTable, 1, 0, atrValueLow, "L: " )
f_fillCell(AtrTable, 2, 0, atrValueHigh, "H: ")
if not please elaborate