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Auto number an attribute based on multiple attributes

I have a transaction like this

enter image description here

And I have a web panel using Work With Plus to insert data into the transaction web panel

I want to auto number the attribute TmpltId based on the SalOutCd7Plc and BseCd like this: Example:

SalOutCd7Plc = 1 and BseCd = 1 -> TmpltId = 1 then continue if SalOutCd7Plc = 1 and BseCd = 1 -> TmpltId = 2
But if SalOutCd7Plc = 1 and BseCd = 2 -> TmpltId = 1 and continue
If SalOutCd7Plc = 2 and BseCd = 1 -> TmpltId = 1 and continue

Something like that. How can I achieve this. Thank you


  • To autonumber the attribute TmpltId you may create a procedure with the following:




    For each SENSY0470M order SENSY0470M_SalOutCd7Plc SENSY0470M_BseCd (SENSY0470M_TmpltId)
    where SENSY0470M_SalOutCd7Plc = &SENSY0470M_SalOutCd7Plc
    where SENSY0470M_BseCd = &SENSY0470M_BseCd
       &SENSY0470M_TmpltId = SENSY0470M_TmpltId + 1
    when none
       &SENSY0470M_TmpltId = 1

    Then, in your web panel before inserting you can call the procedure to get the new SENSY0470M_TmpltId

    &NEW_SENSY0470M_TmpltId = Procedure.Udp(&SENSY0470M_SalOutCd7Plc, &SENSY0470M_BseCd)