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Azure Table Storage issue getting single entity

I'm creating a very simple Table Storage which stores an int value.

However I'm unable to get the code to get an entity from the storage to work.

The model class:

public class SomeClass: ITableEntity
    public SomeClass(string someKey, int someNumber)
        PartitionKey = someKey;
        RowKey = someKey;
        ETag = new ETag("*");
        SomeNumber= someNumber;

    public string PartitionKey { get; set; }
    public string RowKey { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset? Timestamp { get; set; } = DateTimeOffset.Now;
    public ETag ETag { get; set; } 
    public int SomeNumber { get; }

The client class below:

public class AzureTableClient : IAzureTableClient
        private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
        private readonly TableServiceClient _tableServiceClient;
        public AzureTableClient(IConfiguration configuration, TableServiceClient tableServiceClient)
            _configuration = configuration;
            _tableServiceClient = tableServiceClient;
        public void CreateEntity(string someKey, int count)
            var tableClient = CreateTableServiceClient();

            var response = tableClient.UpsertEntity(new SomeClass(someKey, count));

        public int GetSomeNumber(string someKey)
            var tableClient = CreateTableServiceClient();

            return tableClient.GetEntity<TodaysZipCount>(rowKey: someKey, partitionKey: someKey).Value.SomeNumber;

        private TableClient CreateTableServiceClient()
            var tableName = _configuration.GetValue<string>("TableName");
            var tableClient =_tableServiceClient.GetTableClient(tableName);


            return tableClient;

The following code gives me the following error message:

return tableClient.GetEntity<TodaysZipCount>(rowKey: dateKey, partitionKey: dateKey).Value.TodaysCount;


Error   CS0310  'SomeClass' must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'TableClient.GetEntity<T>(string, string, IEnumerable<string>, CancellationToken)'    

I've done everything exactly as found in the documentation... What's going wrong here?


  • As the error message says, you need to create a public parameterless constructor for your entity.

    Please add

    public SomeClass()

    to your SomeClass definition and the error should go away.