I have a Wordpress website (Bitnami) thats hosted in Google Cloud Platform. The IP address is something like:
. My domain is hosted on Google Domains and has 2 nameservers pointing to Cloudflare. On the Cloudflare DNS settings, I have 2 A records, one is ftp and the other is something like 'mywebsite.com'. I also have a CNAME
which is www mywebsite.com.
I am able to hit the full URL of my website but I also notice I can enter the IP address and it also works and loads the website. Is it possible to prevent acccess to
and only allow the full URL?
Create VPC Firewall Rules that only allow Cloudflare IP addresses.
Consult this document for the current Cloudflare IP list.
Google Cloud VPC firewall rules overview
Note: Cloudflare does not support FTP, so you must point your DNS resource record for FTP to your server's IP address and not through Cloudflare. I recommend that you do not use FTP. Use SSH/SFTP for file transfers. Configure WordPress so that installing plugins, uploading images, etc do not require FTP. FTP is not encrypted which means your login username and password are sent in the clear.