I see that here you can come up with some kind of universal method for issuing an active class, but I just can’t figure out how to do it.
I would be very grateful for your help!
const engLangActive: string =
router.locale === "en"
? `${styles.langButton} ${styles.active}`
: styles.langButton;
const deLangActive: string =
router.locale === "de"
? `${styles.langButton} ${styles.active}`
: styles.langButton;
<button className={engLangActive}>
<button className={deLangActive}>
Since the code is exactly the same except for the language, you can loop over an array of language codes.
const buttons = ['en', 'de', 'fr'].map(lang =>
<button className={
styles.langButton +
router.locale === lang ? ` ${styles.active}` : ''
return <>{buttons}</>
Don't forget the key
attribute which is needed even in your own manual example for React to distinguish the button elements from each other.