I have a .net console app where I'm trying to make the code more concise. Currently to setup a command using System.CommandLine I have something like this:
using System.CommandLine;
var rootCommand = new RootCommand("CLI");
var theOption = new Option<int?>("--id", "Database ID");
var theCommand = new Command("stuff", "Do Stuff.") { theOption };
ret.SetHandler((id) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Do stuff on id: {id}");
}, theOption);
return rootCommand.Invoke(args);
What I'd like to do is make a one liner, but I'm not sure how to do so since I'm using the variable theOption twice. How could I do this? Looking for something like:
using System.CommandLine;
var rootCommand = new RootCommand("CLI");
//refactor theOption into below statement
var theOption = new Option<int?>("--id", "Database ID");
new Command("stuff", "Do Stuff.") { theOption }
).SetHandler((id) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Do stuff on id: {id}");
}, theOption);
return rootCommand.Invoke(args);
Any recommendations would be appreciated. My OCD is acting up without the indentation.
Without any knowledge of System.CommandLine, wouldn't you be able to achieve this with a simple extension method?
public static RootCommand Add(this RootCommand root, Command command)
return root;
Something like this maybe? and of course whichever other extensibility you want to add, if you wanna make something neat for combining the command and handler, maybe something like this:
public static RootCommand Configure(
this RootCommand root,
Action<int?> handlerAction,
Option<int?> handlerOption,
params Command[] commands)
root.SetHandler(handlerAction, handlerOption);
for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++)
return root;
That should shorten it to:
rootCommand.Configure((id) => { Console.WriteLine($"Do stuff on id: {id}"); }, theOption, theCommand, theCommand2);
With however many commands you want, you can also reuse the options for all the commands within the extension method or whatnot, the world is your oyster and all that.