I got this legacy Symfony 4 web app where I need to post an array of IDs to a Laravel web app.
I've been searching in late days and I can't get it to receive the posted data, since I always get NULL.
I have tested in Postman and it works fine. But posting the data right from Symfony 4, I just get null data or I can't find a way to receive that posted data.
I have both tried the Curl-less way and Curl and I still get empty data.
I firstly prefer the curl-less way, since I bet the server doesn't have the php-curl extension and it might be cumbersome to get it installed.
From the Symfony app (the sender) I got
namespace App\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
* @route("/posting/test")
class Post2WebhookController extends AbstractController
* @route("/post2webhook", methods={"GET"}, name="post2webhook")
* @Security("is_granted('ROLE_1') or is_granted('ROLE_2') or is_granted('ROLE_3')", message="error message.")
* @return Response
public function post2webhook(){
$ids = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
$url = "http://myLaravel9App.local/api/webhook";
$result = $this->post($url,$ids);
//file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
catch(\Exception $e){
echo '<p style="color: red;">Not connected. More details: </p>'.$e->getMessage();
return new Response('success');//The response content must be a string. //https://stackoverflow.com/a/33422374/1883256
/* Send a POST request without using PHP's curl functions.
* @param string $url The URL you are sending the POST request to.
* @param array $postVars Associative array containing POST values.
* @return string The output response.
* @throws Exception If the request fails.
public function post($url, $postVars = array()){
//Transform our POST array into a URL-encoded query string.
$postStr = http_build_query($postVars);
//Create an $options array that can be passed into stream_context_create.
$options = array(
'http' =>
'method' => 'POST', //We are using the POST HTTP method.
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => $postStr //Our URL-encoded query string.
//Pass our $options array into stream_context_create.
//This will return a stream context resource.
$streamContext = stream_context_create($options);
//Use PHP's file_get_contents function to carry out the request.
//We pass the $streamContext variable in as a third parameter.
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $streamContext);
//If $result is FALSE, then the request has failed.
if($result === false){
//If the request failed, throw an Exception containing
//the error.
$error = error_get_last();
throw new \Exception('POST request failed: ' . $error['message']);
//If everything went OK, return the response.
return $result;
From The Laravel app (the receiver) I got
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Constancias\Log;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Notifications\Efirma\Constancias\Firmadas;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
class ConstanciaFirmadaController extends Controller
* Get the posted data from the symfony app.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function constancia_firmada(Request $request){
$ids= $request->get('content');//IT ALWAYS RETURNS NULL!
$tipo_contenido = gettype($request->get('content'));//gettype($ids);//IT ALWAYS RETURNS NULL!
['funcionario@email.net'=>'Mr. John Doe']
->notify(new Firmadas(content: $tipo_contenido))
What am I missing? How do I fix it?
you need a key for the content
$this->post($url,['ids' => $ids]);
and in laravel: