I creating a program in c language and i using the Visual Studio Code for the first time, my functions in the header files don't function. This is my code in main:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "PilhaDinamica.h"
#include "PilhaEstatica.h"
int main()
Pilha *p = criaPilha();
return 0;
And this is my .h file:
typedef struct Nodo{
char info;
struct Nodo*prox;
} nodo;
typedef struct {
nodo * Topo;
} Pilha;
Pilha * criaPilha();
int pilha_vazia(Pilha *p);
void push(Pilha *p, char times);
char pop(Pilha *p);
This is my file with the functions:
#include "PilhaDinamica.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Pilha *criaPilha()
Pilha *p = (Pilha*) malloc(sizeof(Pilha));
p->Topo = NULL;
return p;
And this is shown in my output: "...\AppData\Local\Temp\ccmjk1nS.o:main.c:(.text+0xf): undefined reference to `criaPilha' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status"
what can i do to make it compile correctly?
As a general rule of thumb, header files (*.h) contains declarations (type, variable and function declarations) and source files (*.c) the definitions of those declarations.
At the compilation step, only source files will be compiled (because the definitions are there). A program or library creation is a 2 (actually more, like preprocessing and more but for simplicity we keep it at 2) step process:
e.g. gcc -c -o object_file_name.o source_file_name.c
e.g. gcc -o program_or_library_name object_file_1.o object_file_2.o ...
So, in your case you have to call the compiler two times for your source files (with the -c flag) and once to link those created object files into an executable.
Note: If you're using a different compiler other than gcc
, have a look at the documentation on how to create object files and link them together.