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NestJS swagger documenting path parameter

I'm having trouble using NestJS's attributes to document an embedded parameter in a URL request.

The request looks like this:

POST /api/todo-lists/{listId}/todos

The controller and the method handling the POST with swagger attributes looks like this:

export class TodosController {

  name: 'listId',
  description: "The ID of the list associated with this todo",
  required: true,
  type: String,
 async create(@AuthUser() user, @CurrentToDoList() todoList, @Body() todo: TodoCreateDto): 
<removed for brevity>

This is creating the follwing Swagger doc:

      operationId: TodosController_create
        - name: listId
          required: true
          in: query
          description: The ID of the list associated with this todo
            type: string
        required: true
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TodoCreateDto'

This is causing a validation error:

Semantic error at paths./api/todo-lists/{listId}/todos
Declared path parameter "listId" needs to be defined as a path parameter at either the path or operation level

I am not using listId in the call to the controller itself, I have middleware that is grabbing the listID and instantiating the list which gets passed to every controller method.

Any ideas? I would like to add the listID documentation at the controller level but can't figure out how to do that.


  • /:listId/todos this is a segment fora URL parameter, not a Query parameter. Use @ApiParam() instead of @ApiQuery()