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How to specify classifications from .properties file in Jenkins Cucumber report?

It's straightforward to set hardcoded values in the plugin's Advanced > Presentation > Classifications section, but a value like ${FOO} is displayed literally as ${FOO} instead of expanding.

I set FOO like so in the build shell script, but it does not get displayed in the report.

export FOO=hello

I then tried creating my own .properties file:

echo buildVersion=$LAST_BUILD_VERSION >>
echo greeting=hola >>
echo classifications.message=hello >>

find . -name '*\.properties'

In Console Output below, I can confirm the Cucumber report plugin is finding the .properties file:

[CucumberReport] Copied 2 properties files from workspace

Based on the find output above, the two files must be

  • ./, and
  • ./

Since those are the only .properties files present.

I have token-macro:2.6 installed.


  • We can specify custom classifications by using a pipeline. Create a new Jenkins Pipeline (New Item > Pipeline) and convert your existing job.

    A general pipeline may take the following form

    node {
      stage('checkout') {
        git ...
      stage('build') {
        withCredentials(...) {
          sh '''
    cat << EOF >
    dynamicVar=$(curl ...)
      stage('post-build') {
        def jenkins_home = manager.getEnvVariable('JENKINS_HOME')
        def prop_dir = ...
        def report_file = "${prop_dir}/"
        def contents = readFile("${report_file}").split('\n')
        def dynamicVal = contents[0].split("=")[1]
        cucumber fileIncludePattern: '**/*.json',
                    fileExcludePattern: '',
                    jsonReportDirectory: '',
                    failedStepsNumber: '0',
                    skippedStepsNumber: '0',
                    pendingStepsNumber: '0',
                    undefinedStepsNumber: '0',
                    failedScenariosNumber: '0',
                    failedFeaturesNumber: '0',
                    sortingMethod: 'ALPHABETICAL',
                    trendsLimit: 10,
                    classifications: [
                            'key': 'One such dynamic var',
                            'value': "${dynamicVal}"

    New to pipelines? Click "Pipeline syntax" link in the left sidebar of a finished job. There are plenty of examples in the Snippet Generator.

    Implementation Notes

    • Write all necessary variables to a .properties file in the build stage.
    • Build up the path to the .properties file referencing various Jenkins env vars.
    • Specify dynamic classification values with double-quoted interpolation.
    • Groovy Sandbox may or may not need to be disabled

    Other questions

    • Why can't we use a callback file? Jenkins checksum prevents links to modified files, even if you modify the checksum to the new value in build.xml.
    • Why can't we use only groovy-postbuild plugin? The pipeline syntax for Cucumber Reports is specific to Jenkins Pipeline. You don't get that with just the plugin. And, you need to create a new job as a Pipeline. So you would still need to use the Cucumber Reports sample pipeline syntax anyway.
