Search code examples

Word search Replace and Limit specific Character using regex php

I want to replace specific words between <loc> and </loc> then limit the word to Specific number.

    $string = '<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    $search = "/(<loc>)(.*?)(<\/loc>)/";
    $replace =  mb_strimwidth('$2', 0, 15);
    $total = preg_replace($search,$replace,$string);
    echo $total;

I have tried and its not working... please kindly help me out, thank you in advance


  • You have XML which is more than just a string, and I would recommend using tools that are aware of XML itself such as DOMDocument. I don't know what specific logic you are trying to do, and I didn't know that mb_strimwidth existed even, but this could be written as:

    $xml = <<<EOT
    <urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    $dom = new DOMDocument;
    foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('loc') as $node) {
        if ((XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType) && ('loc' === $node->nodeName)){
            $node->nodeValue = mb_strimwidth($node->nodeValue, 0, 15);
    echo $dom->saveHTML();

    Demo here:

    Note: You appear to be doing something with the URL. Once again, a URL is more than just a string and PHP has parse_url for parsing URLs which I'd encourage you to use, if that is indeed what you are doing.


    If your source data isn't XML, I'd still use a parser if possible. DOMDocument supports HTML, too, you just need to suppress some warnings because HTML isn't usually as strict.

    But if your data doesn't have a parser, then it might be better to use RegEx. For this I think I'd want to use a callback function to determine the logic for what to replace with.

    $xml = <<<EOT
            static function($matches) {
                return sprintf('<loc>%1$s</loc>', mb_strimwidth($matches['value'], 0, 15));
