I'm new to prolog. I just wrote some code. Can you please help me out with this question. Thank you.
My Code:
write('Enter the first string:'), nl,
write('Enter the second string:'), nl.
How to proceed from here ?
rule will drive the experiment.. .pl
substring(X,S) :-
string_to_list(X, XL),
string_to_list(S, SL),
append(_,T,SL) ,
append(XL,_,T) ,
X \= [], !.
% example
% ?- substring("aa", "abaa").
% true.
% ?- substring("aa", "ababa").
% false.
run :- write('Enter the first string: '), read(Str1), nl, write('Enter the second string: '), read(Str2), nl,
(substring(Str1, Str2) -> format('~w is contained in ~w', [Str1, Str2]); format('~w is not in ~w', [Str1, Str2])).
% example
% ?- run.