I am using Antd 4.x library. I have a Collapse and a popover that shows on Click of button on Collapse which has a Checkbox in it. I would like to Stop Propagation when checking/unchecking the checkbox, i.e. the Collapse opens/closes when checking/unchecking
Although when I click on Label of Checkbox the Collapse doesn't open/close but when the I do it on the checkable part of checkbox it happens.
I would like to Stop the open/close of Collapse when checking/unchecking of checkbox on popover
Demo Link to show the issue
You can wrapped your Panel
extra content in a div and add onClick
to stopPropagation. Also, you do not have to handle stopPropagation in Setting Button
& Checkbox
const onChange1 = (e: { target: { checked } }) => {
console.log(`checked = ${e.target.checked}`);
const genExtra = () => (
<div onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}>
<Popover content={<Checkbox onChange={onChange1}>Checkbox</Checkbox>} title='Title'>
<SettingOutlined />