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VueJS Datepicker change the position day and month

I am using this datepicker - vuejs-datepicker. Current date format is MM.DD.YYYY, but I need it in DD.MM.YYYY format. For this I used the following customFormatter function.

customDatepickerFormatter: function (date) {
      return moment(date).format("DD.MM.YYYY");

However, the input for example 21.09.2022 is rejected because vuejs datepicker interprets the date as 09.21.2022 which is obviously not a valid date. Can you help me fix this?


  • Here is how I would integrate a simple but friendly formater supporting EU formatting.

          Input your date (DD MM YYYY format)
          <input type="text" v-model.lazy="date" /> <!-- updating on focus lost -->
        <p>result: {{ formatted }}</p>
    import { format } from "date-fns";
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          date: "20 11 2020", 
      computed: {
        formatted() {
          let [day, month, year] =\D/) // safe for the separation
          return format(new Date(year, month - 1, day), "PPP") // month - 1 offset is to make it simpler to compute

    This is how it looks

    enter image description here

    Otherwise it looks like this package could also be a nice fit for you apparently: