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Change datetime e.g. 01JAN2020:13:04:10.00000 in r

I haven't been able to find another question - but I feel like there is one out there, so sorry if I'm asking a duplicate question!

I have a date time column in the following format (character):

date <- "02OCT2019:15:04:34.000000"

I've tried to convert the column to a date with

new_date <- as.POSIXct(date, "%d%b%Y:%H:%M:%S%OS")

But it doesn't seem to work. I feel like my problem lies in the month part because it's written in caps. I tried substringing just the date (%d%b%Y) and using as.POSIXct on that, getting the same error.

I don't know if it's relevant, but my locale is


And the month format used is not Danish, but English (hence OCT, in Danish it would be OKT).

Hope some of you can help me out!


  • library(lubridate)
    date <- "02OCT2019:15:04:34.000000"
    # [1] "2019-10-02 15:04:34 UTC"