Python 3.8.10, Pandas 1.4.4, Numpy 1.23.2
I'm receiving a data streaming from a machine every 10 seconds (in the database times are precisely stored every 10 seconds: no 9.5 nor 11). The machine goes sometimes in standby so the streaming stops. Occasionally it sends random data when in standby.
To eliminate the spurious data I use a parameter SECONDS: when set to 10, each line is considered valid if there was a stored line 10 seconds before.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
{"DT": [ # two occasional readings
"2022-09-21 00:38:40", "2022-09-21 01:59:30",
# stable data flow
"2022-09-21 04:31:40", "2022-09-21 04:31:50",
"2022-09-21 04:32:00", "2022-09-21 04:32:10",
"2022-09-21 04:32:20", "2022-09-21 04:32:30",
"2022-09-21 04:32:40", "2022-09-21 04:32:50",
# missed one reading here
"2022-09-21 04:33:10", "2022-09-21 04:33:20",
"2022-09-21 04:33:30", "2022-09-21 04:33:40",
"2022-09-21 04:33:50", "2022-09-21 04:34:00",
"2022-09-21 04:34:10", "2022-09-21 04:34:20",
"2022-09-21 04:34:30"
"notes": [
"occasional mistake",
"occasional mistake",
"first stable reading",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"one reading missing",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
] },
df.DT = df.DT.astype('datetime64[ns]')
SECONDS = 10 # <====== change here the accepted interval
df["deltaDT"] = (df["DT"] - df["DT"].shift(SECONDS // 10)).dt.total_seconds()
df["ok"] = np.where(df["deltaDT"]==SECONDS, "ok", "-")
This is for me the most intuitive solution, and for 10 seconds it returns the correct answer:
(Note: The reading at 2022-09-21 04.33.10
is lost, not an issue here)
Problem arise with only some SECONDS values: 10, 20, 40, 50 are OK. Choosing 30 and 60, the error appears.
This is SECONDS = 30:
It is obviously a problem related to binary conversion. Quite difficult to spot because if I am working with floats that really represent only integer values or NaN, there shouldn't be an infinitesimal epsilon involved.
Changing the filter condition to
df["ok"] = np.where(df["deltaDT"]<=SECONDS+EPSILON, "ok", "-")
it return the wrong result for EPSILON=1E-15
, and the correct one for EPSILON=1E-14
How to convert
df["deltaDT"] = (df["DT"] - df["DT"].shift(SECONDS // 10)).dt.total_seconds()
to integer?
Adding .astype("Int64")
generates the error "TypeError: cannot safely cast non-equivalent float64 to int64"
to convert your column that contains NaN to integer, it need to be nullable integer
df["deltaDT"] = df["deltaDT"].astype(pd.Int64Dtype())