Apparently I've gone silly on Wednesday morning. I have linq error that I should know the answer. Sorry for the stupid question.
var results1 = (from p in db1.a_PCRs
join je in db1.a_Job_Extensions on p.PCR equals je.PCR
join j in db1.Jobs on je.Job equals j.Job1
join d in db1.Deliveries on j.Job1 equals d.Job
where j.Status == "Active"
where j.Job1.StartsWith("A")
where p.PCR == "2552"
where d.Shipped_Quantity > 0
orderby d.Shipped_Date descending
select new
if (results1 != null)
foreach (var result1 in results1)
lastDeliveryDate = result1.Shipped_Date;
lastDeliveryDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1980");
The error is on the foreach loop on the "results1" item.
Error CS1579 foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type '<anonymous type: string PCR, DateTime? Shipped_Date>' because '<anonymous type: string PCR, DateTime? Shipped_Date>' does not contain a public instance or extension definition for 'GetEnumerator'
Can anyone push me in the right direction here?
You are grabbing the first item in your query when you call .FirstOrDefault(). You can't iterate that with a foreach, it's a single item.
Based on your logic, your query is already grabbing the correct item ordered by 'Shipped_Date'. I think you want to just drop the foreach -
if (results1 != null)
lastDeliveryDate = results1.Shipped_Date;
lastDeliveryDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1980");