I cannot seem to export then import a powerapps solution that has a canvas app that references a custom component. I'm using the powerapps portal to create the solution, where I add the canvas app that uses the custom component. When I export, download, and try to import the solution at this point it fails with the error:
error code 8004F036: The dependent component CustomControl (Id=xxx) does not exist. Failure trying to associate it with CanvasApp (Id=yyy) as a dependency. Missing dependency lookup type = EntityNameLookup.
If I first go to the solution and click 'add required objects' it will not add the custom component. If I manually add it, it shows it as added, but still after exporting, downloading, and importing, I get the same error. It would be great if someone knows the proper steps to get this working.
You will have to do this in 2 steps.