I'm creating EKS cluster using the eksctl. While developing the yaml configurations for the underlying resources, I came to know that spot instance is also supported with AWS EKS cluster(here). However while referring the documentation/schema, I didn't find anything to limit the bidding price for spot instance. So by default, it will bid with on demand pricing which is not ideal. Am I missing anything here or it's just not possible at the moment?
Sample yaml config for spot(cluster-config-spot.yaml) -
apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig
name: spot-cluster
region: us-east-2
version: "1.23"
managedNodeGroups :
- name: spot-managed-node-group-1
instanceType: ["c7g.xlarge","c6g.xlarge"]
minSize: 1
maxSize: 10
spot: true
AWS EKS cluster creation command -
eksctl create cluster -f cluster-config-spot.yaml
can be set for self-managed node group this way; but this is not supported for managed node group. You can upvote the feature here.