I have been playing around with Python for over a year now and written several automation codes which I use on a daily basis. I have been writing this auto typer for Python, here is the code:
import pyautogui as pt
from time import sleep
empty_file = "C:\\Users\\Lucas\\Desktop\\PycharmProjects\\Automate\\main\\screenshots\\empty_file.png"
text_write = "C:\\Users\\Lucas\\Desktop\\PycharmProjects\\Automate\\main\\text_write.txt"
with open(text_write, 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
sentence = text.split("\n")
position0 = pt.locateOnScreen(empty_file, confidence=.8)
x = position0[0]
y = position0[1]
pt.moveTo(x, y, duration=.05)
def post_text():
pt.moveTo(x-370, y+95, duration=.1)
for lines in range(len(text)):
pt.typewrite(str(sentence[lines],) + "\n", interval=.01)
with pt.hold('shift'):
pt.press('tab', presses=5)
The code completely works but at the end instead of the code breaking it gives me this error:
C:\Users\Lucas\PycharmProjects\wechat_bot\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/PycharmProjects/Automate/main/auto_typer.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\PycharmProjects\Automate\main\auto_typer.py", line 26, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\PycharmProjects\Automate\main\auto_typer.py", line 20, in post_text
pt.typewrite(str(sentence[lines],) + "\n", interval=.01)
IndexError: list index out of range
Process finished with exit code 1
I suspect the issue has to do specifically with the line:
I haven't found a solution yet. Am I supposed to be using len() or would and if else statement be better?
The problem is that you are doing
for lines in range(len(text)):
but then you later do
This will only work text
is shorter than or the same length as sentence
. But there is no such guarantee in your code.
Instead, you should do
for lines in range(len(sentence)):
Or better yet loop over the lines without indexes:
for line in sentence:
And then you can just do line
instead of sentence[lines]