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How get values inside min(), max() in zod?

I have the following schema.

const schema = z.object({
 name: z.string().min(1)

Is there any way in zod to get the value stored in min?

const minValue = schema.shape...? // should be 1


  • Yes, after a little poking around, there's a hidden _def field that you probably need to //@ts-ignore:

    const minValue =[0].value;

    If you have more than one check, you can find the one you want:

    const minValue ={ kind }) => kind === "min").value;

    Note that find will return undefined if no such check was found.

    But may I interest you in an alternative?

    const nameMinLength = 1;
    const schema = z.object({
     name: z.string().min(nameMinLength)
    // now you already have it